How to Utilize Positive Reinforcement with Dogs
Classical conditioning is a form of giving your dog positive reinforcements like treats and food may be an effective dog training strategy, especially for puppy training, but it isn’t as easy as just complimenting whatever your dog performs.
There are a lot of crucial dos and Don’ts to observe if you like to get the full benefits out of positive reinforcement dog training.

Let us begin with the don’ts first.
Don’t put an end to always correcting your dog.
Nope, you should not stop correcting your dog. It is crucial to do the opposite. A common misconception that occurs as a result of positive reinforcement seems to be that dog owners begin to believe that they are unable to say no to their pets. No, it is not really true in the least. If your dog is behaving in an improper manner, you may and should rectify the problem behavior. Instead, you ought to endeavor to maintain “correction time” segregated from “positive reinforcement time,” as described above. Just like if you are raising kids, you must strike a balance between work and family obligations.
Do not make things difficult.
Here is an example scenario: Don’t instruct your dog to “retrieve the ball” if you are playing fetch with them. To say “fetch the ball would be too complicated for him since it contains several linguistic units that they may need to associate meanings with.” Instead, just say “fetch.” It’s important to be simple and concise in your commands.
Inconsistency should not be displayed.
You can’t praise your pet for keeping off the sofa but then just allow her to approach you for love afterward. Acting in this manner will only baffle them as to what you desire. It’s also critical that everyone else in your home observes the same rules, otherwise your dog will exhaust themselves attempting to discover how to interact with each individual.
Do these things instead:
Weaning Treats
While it’s perfectly fine to use treats initially to encourage the desired behavior, you should gradually wean your dog off treats while continuing to praise and give affection to your pets. To satisfy you, your dog will soon forget well about rewards. You will be the reward now.
Train your dog to link a sound, such as “Tsch!” or a clicker, with food. When you take away the reward, the dog still responds.
Reward Desired Behavior Immediately
You must be quick to respond to a dog’s needs. This must be utilized every time your dog performs something you want them to do.
When housebreaking a dog, reward him any time he goes outdoors. Instruction? Pet him when he obeys you.
Make it short and concise
The idea is to teach your dog that obedience brings rewards. So, continue training brief, pleasant, and encouraging, preferably finishing on a high note.
We hope we helped you in some ways when it comes to making your dog listen to you. If you think there are still many things that must do to do, then comment below!